
Official Selection | 2024 New Orleans Film Festival

Starring: Jaren Mitchell & Jamie Neumann

A former couple reunites after years of not seeing one another. They find themselves caught up in a whirlwind of emotions as they reconnect. The quaint reunion quickly turns into a rollercoaster ride of nostalgia, longing, and a strong desire to rekindle what they once had.

Soleá: Behind the Scenes


Go Swiftly Along

Old wounds are reopened when the director and the two lead actors behind a cult film record the audio commentary for a special edition release.

Official Selection

Duluth Superior Film Festival 2024

Fresh Black Film Festival 2024


A struggling actor deals with the trappings of having an inept agent, going to a puzzling audition and dealing an oblivious customer--in the span of one day.

Official Selection || New Orleans Film Festival 2017 | Always for Pleasure Festival 2017 (New Orleans) | Hayti Film Festival | Durham, North Carolina

Poster design by Sol Galeano

Neegro's: An Explanation

Made for the 2016 Sundance x YouTube New Voices application, this video served as my pitch to make it to the next (3rd) round. I was able to get to the phone call portion which was the final round before the last decisions were made. Ultimately, I wasn’t chosen.

Director of Photography | Zac Manuel

Actors || Samantha Beaulieu | Doug Wilcox | Jaren Mitchell


And What Happened After That?

And What Happened After That? is a short film that captures the everyday struggles of youth at a New Orleans high school as they sort through their sexual and emotional health, identities, safety and the possibility of new love. The narrative is told through a series of five short episodes that can also be combined to create a full short film. The first four chapters reflect the four pillars of Catapult, IWES’ positive youth development (PYD) hub - Act (social justice), Educate (comprehensive sexual health), Feel (emotional health), and Grow (PYD and goal-setting) - while the fifth vignette ties the story together. And What Happened After That? is designed to complement IWES’ PYD programming by showing how the Catapult pillars impact healthy relationships and decision-making.